
12 October 2011

Nail polish fade effect
using any polish of your choice pour onto a flat surface, take one of those spongy eyeshadow applicators and dip into the polish, dab the polish on your nail concentrating at the tip and moving slightly upward. Repeat until you get the desired effect. Put a topcoat over the entire nail.

(source: sweettalkonthespot.com)


Cloudy said...

Das sieht ja toll aus! Werde ich abends gleich mal ausprobieren...wenn man den ganzen Tag lang lernt sind Kinkerlitzchen wie so etwas genau die richtige Ablenkung!


Saromé said...

I am sorry, but it looks like you had dirt under your fingertips. the chosen colour´s too bad.

Mija said...

Haha - TRUE. The first time I saw this picture I thought the same. But now I think I'm gonna give it a try.